Art + Science = The Ascent of Humanity

Xingyi Chen

Web Text Analysis Based on Social Media

Web Text Analysis Based on Social Media: Visitor Studies of UCCA Center for Contemporary Art Xingyi Chen Abstract: Since the outbreak of COVID-19, museums have been closed frequently, encountering problems such as loss of audience and financial crisis. In the turbulent post-pandemic era, how to deal with changes and what aspects need to be improved…

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Xingyi Chen

Recent project: Web Text Analysis Based on Social Media

Web Text Analysis Based on Social Media: Visitor Studies of UCCA Center for Contemporary Art 基于社交媒体的网络文本分析——尤伦斯当代艺术中心观众研究 Abstract: This paper takes UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China, as an example, using web text analysis from comments of audiences on, combined with UCCA’s goal to analyze its micro-strategy, transformation of strategies, and the effects…

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Xingyi Chen

Curriculum Vitae

EDUCATION EXPERIENCE B.A. in Art management, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China 2017 - 2023 Cambridge Data School Cultural Heritage Data School 12th-16th December 2022 Summer School at Oxford Introduction to Digital Humanities Online Workshop 11th - 15th July 2022 Certificate of Text Analysis with Python offered by UCx, University of Canterbury 29th…

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